How to get Free SMS notification for new emails in gmail

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How to get Free SMS notification for new emails in gmail

[Last updated: 19/09/2015]

Google stopped SMS notification for Calender. So this trick is not working now.

This is a trick to configure and join the features of Google docs, calender, gmail label and filtering.

At 1st you need to configure your Google calender for receiving SMS notifications for remainder.
Click here to know how to configure your calender

Now we want to configure Gmail for the function.

*Login to your gmail account.
*In the left side pan click 'more' at the bottom.
*Select Create New Label
*Enter the label name as email2sms
[don't change the name, if so, it won't work]
*In the search pane type is:inbox
*Click the down arrow in the right of the  pane.

*In the filtering box, type is:inbox to the criteria 'has the words'.
*Type the words that you have to filtered out in the format
"word1" OR "word2" OR "word3"
in the section 'Doesn't have'
[This means, if your mail has any one of the words [word1, word2, word3], you won't get notification for that mail. You can increase the number of words as you wish]

[If get so much unwanted mails [like facebook, youtube etc] please do this step. Because Google has a limit in the number of SMS in 1 day. If you don't do this, you will miss your important mail.]

*Click create filter with this search.
*Click Apply the Label and select the label named email2sms
*Click Create filter
[Steps continue below]

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*Click here to get the Google doc
*Click File > make a copy
*Save the file as Email to SMS
*Click settings in the Spread sheet. If you don't see that, close the file and open it again from your Google drive. Click here to open google drive.
Wait for some time to get the Settings tab.

*Click Settings > Authorize
*Click Settings > Activate
*Done.. Everything is configured. Up-to this step don't log-out from google id.
In future if you don't want to get notifications, do the below steps.
*Open the file from google drive.
*Click Settings > Stop SMS alerts
*Click Settings > Stop trigger

*Click here if you want to remove the permission manually
*Select the App and Click Revoke permission on right side

If there is any problem in receiving notification please comment or mail to

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