How to install adroid apps in PC without Bluestack or Youwave [How to setup Android x86 using virtualbox]
How to install adroid apps in PC without Bluestack or Youwave [How to setup Android x86 using virtualbox] Like and share our page Technology Reveals Here Here i am describing, how you can install Android [ any version-Upto kitkat is available ] on your PC without installing emulators like Bluestack, Youwave. Here the things you needed are 1. Virtualbox [Direct link] [Torrent] 2. Android-x86-4.4-r2 [Torrent] NB: You need any torrent donloading software [ u torrent ] [ Bit torrent ] before using the torrent link. Magnetic links are provided here Download both files, then install Virtual box and open it. You will see this. *Click on New * Type a name for your device, select type LINUX and version Other Linux 32 bit *Select RAM memory you want, am using 1024 MB *Select Create Virtual hard drive now *Select the option VDI *Select Dynamically allocated *Click Create *Now Select te device you creat...