How to convert Mbps to MBps or Kbps to KBps

 What is the difference between Mbps and MBps or Kbps and KBps

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Most of the people have a misconception that 1 Mbps speed means 1 MB data will transfer in 1 second. But it's not like that actually. Simply for converting 1 Mbps to MB, just divide it by 8. That is 0.125 MB (125 KB) data transfers in 1 second.

Detailed discription.

1 Mbps -- 1 Mega bits per second
1 MBps -- 1 Mega bits per second
1 MBps = 8 Mbps
1000 Kbps = 1 Mbps

These are transfer rates or speed. Don't confuse it with size of files.

For size,
8 bits = 1 byte
1024 bytes = 1 KB
1024 KB = 1 MB
and so on...

Convert it simply

256 Kbps = 256/8 = 32 KBps
512 Kbps = 512/8 = 64 KBps
2 Mbps = 2/8 = 0.25 MBps
2 Mbps = (2*1000)/8 = 250 KBps

  • Multiplication with 1000 is for converting Mb to Kb (Don't use size conversion factor 1024).
  • Dividing by 8 is for converting bits to bytes

Downloading speed in MBps
Downloading speed in Mbps

8 Mbps = 1 MBps--- means, it will transfer in a rate of 1 MB per second. Not in 8 MB per second.

So next time when you deal with transfer rates, check whether it is 'b' or 'B'.

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